The Guild is open to anyone with an interest in knitting.
The Fox Valley Knitters' Guild operates on a fiscal year from September through August of the following year. Membership dues are $30 for the year ($35 for new members to cover the cost of a nametag).
There are so many benefits to being a member:
If you are interested in joining our guild, choose the membership option below that applies to you. To join/renew by mail, download and print the application below to mail-in with your $30 (or $35, for new members) check. For additional information please contact us at
Renewal for existing FVKG members
$30 prior to September 1st ($35 after)
Membership for one person and Business logo on the FVKG website and newsletter
Click the Download button to open the Membership Application in a new window/tab.
Print, fill out, and mail it to address on form with your check.
2024-2025 FVKG Membership Form (pdf)